Yaquina Head Interpretive Complex

APA designed interpretive exhibits for the lighthouse, an interpretive center and an extensive trail system surrounding the Yaquina Head Lighthouse. Inside the center, the human and natural history is shown from a variety of perspectives. A cross sectioned lighthouse reveals the building’s inner workings, a large mural presents an underwater view of gray whales, and […]
Tillamook Forest Center

From 1933 to 1951 a series of devastating fires burned almost 500 square miles of Tillamook Forest. This land eventually became the Tillamook State Forest, and has been restored to become one of America’s best examples of a sustainably managed forest.
Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre

Indoor and outdoor exhibits at the Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre explore the Osoyoos Indian Band’s worldview and innovative approach to conserving precious habitat. After completing the original design over a decade ago, APA has designed expanded indoor galleries and refreshed outdoor experiences, reflecting the resiliency and achievements of the Band, in the past, present and […]
American Memorial Park

The American Memorial Park honors the Americans and Mariana Islanders who lost their lives during the battle for Saipan in World War II. The park wanted to create a respectful visitor center that would cater to a culturally diverse audience. APA developed a thematic approach for the center that portrays the battle from various perspectives, […]
Mascot Mine & Snaza’ist Centre

The Mascot Gold Mine clings impressively to a mountain cliff about one kilometre above the town of Hedley. The Snaza’ist Centre sits below the Mine welcoming visitors to this historic site. APA planned and designed a series of exhibits for the center, as well as for the surrounding site, mines and interpretive trail. Visitors explore […]
Alaska Islands and Ocean Visitor Center

The visitor center interprets the natural and cultural history of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Few visitors ever see the Refuge’s vast expanse of islands and shoreline. With this in mind, APA designed immersive experiences to explore the area, interpreting its population of some 40 million seabirds, oceanography, environmental monitoring and other human activity. […]
Space Center Houston

APA created a new audio/visual experience for the Space Center’s main theater. The theater’s pre-show now provides visitors with an immersive experience that mimics a launch at the Cape. A new multi-screen video presentation is dramatically underscored with a blast of virtual ‘exhaust smoke’ and body-shaking sound effects.
Totem Hall at Sitka National Historic Park

This National Park Service visitor center is the site of a diverse collection of totem poles created by several southeast Alaska Native cultures. APA worked with project architects to modify the design of an existing building to better store and display the totem poles. Indoor and outdoor interpretive signage was also created to complement the […]