Pushpa Gujral Science City

APA delivered a planning and feasibility study for the Science City project. This included development of Science City’s themes, exhibit scope, interpretive approach and design concepts, as well as an analysis of the target audience. The exhibits are designed to cultivate scientific literacy, demonstrate emerging technologies and promote careers in science.

The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) conducts leading-edge physics research. The mysteries of nature are explored at Fermilab on a 680-acre site that is home to the world’s largest particle accelerator. APA developed an interpretive master plan for Fermilab to meet the needs of all visitors to the site, from school children to Nobel Laureates, […]
Space Center Houston

APA created a new audio/visual experience for the Space Center’s main theater. The theater’s pre-show now provides visitors with an immersive experience that mimics a launch at the Cape. A new multi-screen video presentation is dramatically underscored with a blast of virtual ‘exhaust smoke’ and body-shaking sound effects.
T.rex Discovery Centre

The dramatic discovery of ‘Scotty’, one of the world’s most complete T.rex specimens, led to the creation of the T.rex Discovery Centre. In this design/build project APA created a variety of exhibit techniques to introduce visitors to the active research taking place at the centre, while special programs take enthusiasts to work at the nearby […]